Tuesday, February 5, 2013

How Does One Get The Bipolar Disorder

"How Does One Get The Bipolar Disorder" It is believed that those that suffer from bipolar have a genetic code that puts them in that position. While this genetic disposition doesn't per say actually trigger the condition to happen, those that have this coding actually have a better chance of developing it at some point in their lives.
This difference in the neurotransmitters is believed to have to do with an abnormal aspect of the genes. Your genes that control the neurotransmitters in your brain simply developed abnormally, leading to bipolar. But, remember, just because this is the case, it doesn't mean that you are going to suffer from bipolar. It just means that it is something that you could experience.
In addition to this genetic code, most doctors believe that it is necessary for you to have some environmental effects to happen in order to trigger the problem. This can include such things as drug abuse and very stressful events. Sometimes, a very traumatic event especially those that are psychological can trigger bipolar.
Who Is At Risk Of Getting Bipolar Disorder?
You may be at risk for bipolar if you have a family history of bipolar or other depressive conditions. "How Does One Get The Bipolar Disorder"? In fact, in up to 90 percent of those with bipolar there is evidence of depression in the family.
Again, if you have genes that are passed down from those in your family that have these abnormalities, then you are more likely to experience bipolar. While the exact genes are not know just yet, there are many researchers working on finding the gene that makes you more or less likely to have bipolar disorder.
Some will realize that something is not right but most will not realize just how impaired they are. In addition, most don't realize just how troublesome going through these mood swings can be for other family members. You probably don't realize what you are putting your family and friends through.
If a person that is suffering from bipolar does not seek out and get the help that he or she needs, not only will stresses continue to build, but physical problems can also become evident. They can be hurt in one of their episodes.
What Help Should I seek?
If you realize the need to seek professional help, your first contact should be your family doctor. He or she can help you to determine that there are no other medical problems causing your condition. From here, though, the person to see is that of a psychiatrist. You can get a a lot of information on the subject from the bipolardisorder website listed below.
Do not worry; the process of seeking help in dealing with any type of mental illness including depression and bipolar syndrome is quite simple to do. Take a loved one with you that has noticed the symptoms that you are experiencing.
The first thing that your doctor will ask is what type of symptoms you are having. He or she will ask you to describe both the depressive symptoms and the mania symptoms.
Your doctor may also ask you to undergo tests that will determine if there are any other things that causing your condition. He or she will want to find out if you have physical causes to your bipolar disorder (or the likely diagnosis of this.)
Your doctor will ask you about your diet, too. The foods you eat lead to the number of nutrients that you get. Those that are lacking in B 12 vitamins in particular can experience vast mood swings.
It is very important for you to communicate with your doctor about any of your needs and to be honest about your condition. By telling them about your daily life, including the bad parts, he or she can make the right decisions to help treat your conditions
Bipolar is a mental illness. It is not like a cold that will go away. It is not like a broken leg which will heal on its own. Without the attention of a professional, your bipolar can and will get worse.
What happens to you will be unique. There is no way of knowing if your condition will worsen quickly or at all. But, research shows that those that do not seek help for their condition will find complications do exist for them and for their family members.
This happens easily during depressive phases especially when an individual is having a severe episode. Without the protection they need from a loved one, they can let their suicidal thoughts take control. Because of this isolation, it is important for those that have loved ones in this condition to provide them with the care that they need to keep them safe.
The risk of driving a car, for example is very real. If a mania or depressive mood change happens, the person can easily loose control of the car. Even worse, they may make the wrong decisions in traffic, putting others at danger along with them.
Getting help, though, can really improve your outlook on life and reduce your risks and complications significantly.
Bobby Ryatt: For more information about bipolar disorder, please refer to my website http://www.thebipolardisorder.com you can get the detailed book at http://www.beyantryatt.com/bipolar

Addiction on the Rise Among Baby Boomers

Expert Author Amy Sherman
Who would have thought that addiction would be affecting baby boomers at this stage of their lives? But it has. Approximately four million Americans nearing retirement age have a substance abuse problem. How did this happen?
Boomers, who have responsibilities caring for their elderly parents, are also dealing with their own health issues, perhaps raising teens, experiencing the empty nest, divorce or other losses and are feeling so overwhelmed that their lives have spiraled out of control.
Can a little drink or two be so bad? It can if it becomes something you depend on to get you through the night. Or have you become addicted to your prescribed medication for pain or anxiety?
Many boomers take medications because they are so readily available, but it has caused them to become chemically dependent. Along with these and other addictions, like gambling and eating disorders, the future of many baby boomers is a cause for concern.
Boomers are more vulnerable to severe side effects of drugs and/or alcohol use. As you age, your body can't handle the drugs as it would if you were younger. Many are likely to be physically and psychologically fragile. Recovery from addiction could take longer and use more medical resources, like private care and longer counseling services.
The Hanley Center, a nonprofit residential treatment center in West Palm Beach, FL has launched one of the first programs geared specifically for this population. According to the professionals, boomers are not as prepared to accept the aging process or their physical limitations, so they instead look for the quick fix - which can be Xanax, marijuana, alcohol or Oxycodone. These challenges are addressed to help in the recovery process for this aging population.
What do you need to do? Boomers need to assess how healthy their coping skills are and whether their behavior moves them towards or away from creating strong relationships, a good work ethic and optimum health and well-being. If it is determined that the behavior is harmful, there are many options available.
Certainly if you or someone you know has a problem, seek help. It is never too late to ask for support, since treatment is available. The wisest thing to consider is that the discomforts of life can be dealt with without medicating yourself into oblivion. It is possible to cope with your life issues in a healthy, constructive and positive way and give yourself a new lease on life. The choice is yours!
Amy Sherman, LMHC, is a licensed mental health counselor and coach. She is the author of "Distress-Free Aging: A Boomer's Guide to Creating a Fulfilled and Purposeful Life" and Joy of Optimism 10 Lesson eCourse. For more information, go to http://www.yourbabyboomersnetwork.com.

Discover Top Ten Ways To Fight Stress And Anxiety

Everyday we face several situations that can be very stressful. But the art of staying calm in these stressful situations can make the things go more smoothly. This will not only solve your problems but it will also help you to lead and healthier and happier life. In this article you will learn some tips to keep you calm when the pressure rises.
1. Identify what is Causing You Stress
Try to take a pause and figure out what is triggering your stress. Proper identification of the cause is the first step towards the solution of the problem.
2. Decide Your Response
Sometimes it`s not under your control to eliminate the cause of your stress but you can decide your response. If you can really control your situation then it is a good idea to face it and find the solution. On the other hand if you can`t do anything about your problem then it is advised to ignore the problem and don`t let it bother you.
3. Make a Plan To Resolve Your Stress
There are times when a stressful situation can be resolved in a short time. But often a step by step approach is needed to overcome a problem. Make a list of Achievable goals and take fix a timeline to reach your goals.
4. Prepare Ahead of Time
Several stressful situations can be easily avoided by being proactive. You can easily cope with stress by being prepared ahead of time. So it is a smart idea to be prepared for important events.
5. Focus on Small Goals
Take small steps to solve a complex problem. Try to focus on one small step at a time.
6. Learn From Your Past Experience
Don`t use old methods to deal with stress. One should always learn from the past experiences and mistakes.
7. Talk To a Friend
Spend some time with a friend or relative you trust. Talk about your problems as soon as possible. Most of the problems can be solved by doing civilized discussions.
8. Learn To Relax Yourself
Breathing exercise, Yoga and meditation have been proven very effective in controlling stress and anxiety. Take a moment and clear your mind of negative thoughts.
9. Be Kind to Others
Helping somebody with their problems will help you get your mind off yourself
10. Get Enough Rest
Don`t lose your sleep. Loss of sleep hampers your performance. Take enough sleep to get rid of undue stress and anxiety.
If stress and anxiety is interfering your personal or work life then it is advisable to seek professional help.
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