Friday, January 27, 2012

Top 3 FAQ's About Attention Deficit Disorder in Children

Expert Author Shannon Pollock
It seems like every time you turn your head, there's something else being published about attention deficit disorder in children. Sometimes the amount of information available can be overwhelming. When first starting your research into the world of ADHD, you probably have some of the same questions as do a lot of others doing the same thing. What I've done here is compiled three of the frequently asked questions I get about attention deficit disorder in children. By the end of this article, you'll have a better understanding of a few of the ADHD basics.
What causes ADHD?
Children with ADHD lack enough chemicals in the parts of the brain that are responsible for thought organization. Without the required amount of these chemicals, the organizing command centres in the brain don't work very well. This causes the symptoms that you see in children who have ADHD. Research has shown the genetics play a very large role in who develops ADHD. ADHD is more prevalent in children who have a close relative with this disorder. It is NOT caused by bad parenting, lack of vitamins, or too much TV/video game time.
What should I do if I think my child has ADHD?
The first step is to talk to your child's health practitioner. A diagnosis requires several pieces of information to be gathered and examined collectively. A full medical history is taken and several tests including vision and hearing tests should be done. Information also needs to be acquired from several people who know and deal with your child on a daily basis. Input will likely be requested from people like your child's teachers or other caregivers.
What are the treatment options for ADHD?
Chances are your doctor's first treatment recommendation will be prescription medications. Do your research here before subjecting your children to any prescribed ADHD meds. You may hear names like Ritalin or Concerta. These are two of the more popular ADHD meds. All the prescribed drugs for ADHD have potentially serious side effects associated with them. Not only short term but long term effects like drug dependancy or other addictive behaviours may develop over a sustained period of usage. Is some causes, these drugs can cause hallucinations or suicidal thoughts, and even death.
As an alternative, there are natural treatment methods available. Natural treatments include things like dietary control, learning behaviour modification techniques, biofeedback or homeopathic remedies. Natural treatment options have been proven to be just as effective as prescription medications, yet extremely safe, with no side effects at all. You may require a combination or blend of several different natural treatments to achieve the desired outcome. The important thing to remember here is time is required. Nothing will provide an instant turn around. Not prescription drugs, nor natural treatments. You have to think long term benefits.
So, there you have it. Now what do you do? Research some more. It can be overwhelming when gathering information about ADHD. There is some really great information available on the web. There's also some not so great sources out there. You really have to sort and sift to find the good information. It's important that you do so. Attention deficit disorder in children is not something to take lightly. Neither is the method you choose to treat your child. Helping your child to achieve balance will not only impact that child's life but your family as a whole.
Shannon Pollock is a passionate advocate of natural health remedies who has been researching their use for many years. Find out more about some of the most effective treatments for ADHD on her site, Natural Health Remedies and More.

The Complexity of Schizophrenia

Expert Author Linda Hancock
In 1911 a Swiss psychiatrist who headed a psychiatric hospital at Burgholzli introduced the term schizophrenia. His work, which was known as "Bleuler's four A's" involved disturbances in affect, association, ambivalence and autism.
Today, the American Psychiatric Association has identified criteria which is used in diagnosis for many disorders including schizophrenia. Three specific categories regarding symptoms must be present and three specific things must be absent before a diagnosis is given.
A psychiatrist or mental health professional examines the presence and severity of characteristic symptoms which may include delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, grossly disorganized or catatonic behaviour or other negatives. One or more of these is usually apparent for a significant portion of time during a one-month period of time.
Social or occupational dysfunction usually appears in one or more major areas such as work, interpersonal relations or self-care. The performances of children and adolescents may be below expected levels of achievement. Functioning in adults can clearly be compared between those before onset and those afterwards.
Professionals also study the duration of symptoms and minimally examine a six month period of time before making a diagnosis.
A number of other disorders and conditions must be ruled out. These include schizoaffective, mood disorder, substance abuse, general medical conditions or pervasive developmental disorders.
Yes, the process of diagnosis is complex and to complicate it even further, there are five subtypes of schizophrenia including Paranoid, Catatonic, Disorganized, Undifferentiated, and Residual.
Associated features may include learning problems, hypoactivity, psychosis, euphoric mood, depressed mood, somatic or sexual dysfunction, hyperactivity, guilt or obsession, sexually deviant behaviour, odd/eccentric or suspicious personality, anxious or fearful, dependent, dramatic, erratic or antisocial personality.
Once a diagnosis is made, the professionals involved can help design a treatment plan for the individual. Schizophrenia is not a "curable disease". I know individuals, however, who manage the symptoms and live lives of health, productivity and happiness.
If you would like more information please contact Catherine McCulloch who is the Program Director of the Schizophrenia Society in downtown Medicine Hat.
And now I would like to invite you to claim your Free Instant Access to a complimentary list of 10 Steps to Making Your Life an Adventure when you visit
From Dr. Linda Hancock, Registered Psychologist and Registered Social Worker
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Why Should You Take the Time to Offer Support?


There are some points in your life where you experience extreme sadness and anxiety. Times such as these are normal and can contribute to the development of your strength of character. But when these moments are already experienced to a point where you cannot function anymore, these moments become very detrimental to the condition of your mental being. Severe depression and anxiety that hinders a person's performance of his basic human functions are considered mental disorders, which, when not addressed at once can lead to greater emotional and mental issues.
Some people are not aware that they may already be suffering mental disorders because the depression and anxiety has already been deeply rooted to their system. Some are already aware but are too ashamed of the state they are in, that they deny their problems and suffer in silence. There are people who openly ask for help, but their pleas are often ignored especially now that pop culture has given birth to the emo bandwagon.
If you know someone who may be suffering these emotional conditions, one of the things you could do is to offer mental health support. Offering mental health support can be draining - but it is a very worthwhile cause because you could be saving the life of the person in question. You can refer him to a mental health network that specializes in emotional conditions that could lead to mental disorders. A mental health network is always ready to welcome people who suffer mild to severe cases of bouts of depression and anxiety.
Taking the time to help other people by listening to their problems or offering to sign them up to a health network can make a significant difference in their lives. By offering them proper support, you are giving them a chance to see the world differently, and live their lives normally.
For online mental health support, join the free mental health network.
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Mental Health - OCD - Key Points to Remember During Treatment Course

Expert Author Rodulph Woodpecker
OCD is a serious anxiety disorder that affects the life of many sufferers as well as the people around them. If you happen to have OCD it will be an advantage if you decide to read on this article. While it might be normal for you to feel guilt and shame, remember also that you also have the choice to put an end to the much distressing obsessions and compulsions you are experiencing everyday. Here are some key points to remember during the entire treatment course.
What has worked in the past?
There are many ways to positively eliminate obsessive compulsive disorder. If you are long been diagnosed with OCD and tried almost every treatment modality available in the science market then perhaps resolve for what works for you best. A treatment wherein you are most comfortable is an advantage. Whether it's medication alone, psychotherapy, exposure response prevention (ERP) or cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), settle for what has worked in the past, always choose what's more effective, this will aid you in faster recovery from obsessive compulsive disorder.
Attitude towards medication.
Yes, your attitude towards compliance with medication is important. Medicines play a big role in treating individuals with uncontrollable obsessions as it is believed that OCD is caused by certain imbalances in the chemicals found in human brain. This is the reason why having to take your pills on time is more than necessary. While it is true that these medications for OCD sometimes have undesirable side effects that make you less motivated in taking them, keep in mind that this is the most crucial part of your treatment course and positive compliance is much needed.
Drive to undergo ERP and CBT.
Attending exposure response prevention (ERP) and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can be very taxing as it consumes much time. It often stresses one out as the sessions do have many desensitizing techniques that involve gradual confrontation of existing obsessions and fears. Your drive and motivation to attend to your scheduled sessions is as important as taking your medications.
Severity of symptoms.
The more symptoms get severe, the more it will be hard to control intrusive and unwanted thoughts that cause high level of anxiety. When one's stress level also rises, level of hormones fluctuate that might be a contributory factor. On the other hand, presence of other disorders such as depression and poor eating habit might worsen the situation. Mental health OCD is as complex as fighting the illness itself. When symptoms get wore, your health practitioner might require you a combination of two or more treatment modalities.
R.W. is a psychology professor and a guidance counselor in one of Canada's prestigious schools for 10 long years. He is well versed in his field and have had dealt with many mental health OCD sufferers on different subtypes. He is an advocate of many treatment modalities, including effective natural ways in treating OCD. To learn more about such, CLICK HERE NOW.