Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Gambling Addiction Basics


The coming age has brought with it numerous new pathological addictions, one of them being addiction to gambling. Pathological gambling was conferred with the status of a disease by the American Psychiatric Association back in 1980s. Robert L. Custer, M.D., is a pioneer in this field of problem gambling.
People who fall prey to this addiction are usually those who secure an income by means of blackjack, poker or other gambling activities. They are professional players who visit casinos not for fun sake, but to employ their skills and earn.
Based on their way of playing and the driving force behind it, gamblers can be categorized. For example, while professional gamblers are skillful and good in their game a casual gamblers plays merely for recreation.
The symptoms of gambling addiction are usually hard to identify. Since this disease is different from other substance related addictions like drug or alcohol abuse, the indications of this sickness are subtle. The nearest possible way in which the symptoms of this addiction can be stated is through the "Custer three Phase Model". According tot his model, the gambling addiction can be characterized by three phases: the wining phase, the losing phase and the desperation phase.
In the wining stage, the compulsive gambler is ecstatic and overexcited with this earnings and is unwilling to quit gambling. Therefore, the addict usually increases his intensity of gambling . However, losing being the other half of gambling, his wining streak is short-lived. Nonetheless, recurrent losses do not deter him as he wants to win again and get his money back. Addicted gamblers suffer from financial stress, loss of sleep, and mental fatigue in this phase. They face problems at the family front. The patient also tends to borrow huge amounts or avail some money making schemes. As the gambler continues to face loss on every alternate day, he finds it difficult to stay away from gambling. Compulsive gamblers may resort to any means to raise funds for their obsession. They become desperate, with their debts becoming unmanageable. Loss of jobs, fight with friends and family, committing crimes or suicidal tendencies define this phase.
The question as to why does one gamble, can not be answered in definitive terms. One of the dominant reasons is the mental health of the gambler. For some people gambling serves as a n escape route from their lives. A compulsive gambler plays for kicks. He is just unable to stay away from it. Many researchers also blame the easy accessibility to casinos. The government and its lottery fund is also widely condemned.
Treatment programs and centers exist to treat this disease. Regular therapy and counseling is an effective and a widely used technique to cure this disease. Various support groups have also cropped up, where the addicts share their experiences and strengthen each others desire to quit gambling. Some groups that fund such programs include casinos and state lotteries. Some casinos lay stress on responsible gambling and have taken steps to make the people aware about his addiction.
However the first step, before undertaking nay treatment would be to acknowledge this disease. With very slight symptoms and effects this addiction is difficult to catch and acknowledge. Hence it helps to be aware to act wisely.
Mansi Aggarwal writes about gambling addiction. Learn more at []

History of Schizophrenia - Origination and Meaning


Schizophrenia is a type of mental disorder in which a person suffers from distorted perception of real life and very often losing touch with reality. Originating from the Geek word: schizo (split) and phrene (mind), it is a mental disorder with a long history.
Schizophrenia in 2000B.C.
The history of Schizophrenia dated back to around 2000 B.C., when little was known about mental disorders. It was believed that the person who is suffering from mental disturbances has been invaded by an evil spirit and the only way to cure the disorder is by driving out the evil spirit. In those times, there were many types of exorcism method. One was to made patients listen to music in order to drive the evil spirit out, another brutal one see patients skull being drill to provide a way for the spirits to get out.
Schizophrenia as understood by the Egyptians
A mention of mental disorders and their symptoms is there in The Book of Heart, an Egyptian book. The Egyptians believed that the heart and brain are interlinked. Therefore, according to their belief, a person who is suffering from certain mental disorder must be suffering from certain heart problems as well. All the people suffering from Schizophrenia were considered mad and dangerous, in spite of the display of their normal human characteristics at all other times. The only refuges for them were the mental homes. Such misunderstanding stayed for a very long time before researchers came up with a scientific explanation to dispel the misconception.
Evolution in the understanding of Schizophrenia
Initial efforts to understand and record atypical mental behaviors were made in the seventeenth century. Later in 1887, Emile Kraepelin, a German psychiatrist, started to record and put into place the different types of mental disorders and defined them by one term: dementia praecox. It was not until the nineteenth century before people begin to gain more awareness about diseases and their causes. It was not until the turn of the century before we saw many new medical science breakthrough findings. Schizophrenia, as a mental illness was coined by a Swiss psychiatrist named Eugen Bleuler in 1908. The definition and symptoms of Schizophrenia that we are using today was put up by another German psychiatrist,Kurt Schneider, in 1957.
Regardless of the progression in medical science, there were few people who were unable to accept the logic and explanation of science and for their benefit continued to commit cruelty towards human race, one such example is the case of World War II. During the World War II Schizophrenia was identified to be a genetic disorder and in order to prevent transmission of the condition from one generation to another and practice selective procreation, mentally disturbed people were killed.
Despite of such pathetic examples in the history of Schizophrenia, psychiatrists, doctors and scientists have never given up hope and have worked day and night for advancement in the understanding of Schizophrenia. Many misconceptions about Schizophrenia have become clear. Today, instead of brutally treating the patients, considering the patients mad and sending them to asylum, society is becoming able to accept the fact that such patients need understanding and sympathy. To help treat and relieve their mental disorder, you need to spend time, show care and affection with proper medication.
Schizophrenia is a terrible mental disorder that affects 1 percent of the US population. You can learn more about this condition, including schizophrenia test and schizophrenia definition on Clivir - the free learning community.

Living With Anxiety in Others


Expert Author Diana McAuliffe
This article is for all those people who have to live with anxious people. Those who are at the receiving end of the anxiety outlet and how they can deal with it.
Living with an anxious person means:-
  • Never knowing when they will snap. When an anxious person feels frustrated and cornered they behave uncharacteristically. They will yell and often try to transfer their frustration onto the nearest person or the one they love the most.
  • Treading on thin ice waiting for the snap. You never now what the final straw will be. It may be the next word you utter or a particular action that you do.
  • Finding it hard not become a victim of the negative energy that you can encounter regularly. In fact it is hard not to become fearful or anxious yourself.
  • Living in fear. Frightened to be the one to set off the anxiousness or be at the receiving end.
This situation can be very difficult mainly because the only person you can control is yourself. The other person is the only one who can change themselves.
You have to learn to deal with the situation and the person or get out of the relationship whether it be a boss,friend, partner or child.
Your own health and wellbeing becomes your priority. People like this can be draining.
Here are some hints to help people like this to cope:-
  1. Learn not to take things said or done on a personal level. When the anxiety speaks remember it is the anxiety.
  2. Learn to understand them but don't make the mistake of letting them control every situation. Feel empathy but keep your boundaries. Don't let their boundaries become yours.
  3. Stand your own ground on the important issues and "don't sweat the small stuff."
  4. Don't forget to take "me" time or "time out".
  5. Talk about the anxiety incident once everything has calmed down. Never argue in the heat of the moment.
  6. Exercise is a great release. It helps you to feel happier by releasing those happy endorphins. It releases unpent emotions.
  7. Valerian is a wonderful herb. It allows you to remain calm and to be aware of what is going on without being drowsy. It also seems to help you not to be personally affected by what is happening. Please do not rely on this herb to resolve the problem but only as an aid when needed. Refer to a practitioner before commencing.
  8. Remember that attitude is EVERYTHING. Keep positive!
  9. Get help for the other person. perhaps therapy. Maybe go together.
  10. Smile and laugh often.
  11. Spend together time away from home and any toxic environment.
  12. Enjoy each others company. Remember the good times.
  13. Be a good listener.
  14. Have relaxing music playing.
  15. Have a list of affirmations and use them.
  16. Be a person who sees the glass as half full not half empty.
These are only some hints and tips. Remember though that if your health fails then you cannot be of any help to anyone else. Also seek help. You do not have deal with this burden on your own.Friends and groups can be a tremendous release.
If you want more information on anxiety please see the website There are over 80 articles and posts here. Also check out their 5step PEACE program and their products. There are many books, audios, videos and a very comprehensive package.