Friday, February 8, 2013

Mental Illness Help: Stigma, Resources, and Advice

Expert Author Analisa L Corral
What exactly is a mental illness? I asked myself this question seriously when my brother and mother were first diagnosed a few years ago with Bipolar I and SchizoAffective Disorder. Shortly after, I was forced to reflect on this question once more after my own diagnoses: Bipolar II.
A lot of times, the first ideas that come to mind for the average person of the mentally ill are various images of "crazy" they have acquired from movies such as, Shutter Island, Donnie Darko, Psycho, Girl Interrupted etc. These movies portray the mentally ill in such exaggerated ways that they create a horrible stigma for them.
The Medical Dictionary defines mental illness as, "Any of various disorders characterized chiefly by abnormal behavior or an inability to function socially, including diseases of the mind and personality and certain diseases of the brain. Also called mental disease, mental disorder."
A definition I find more digestible is from the website of an organization called NAMI, National Alliance on Mental Illness, "Mental illnesses are medical conditions that disrupt a person's thinking, feeling, mood, ability to relate to others and daily functioning. Just as diabetes is a disorder of the pancreas, mental illnesses are medical conditions that often result in a diminished capacity for coping with the ordinary demands of life."
The great news is that it is that mental illness help is possible. Many recover and live productive lives once finding the right resources going through the right treatment.
Besides seeking out a psychiatrist or a psychologist (the latter is medication oriented), joining support groups, or finding more resources such as a local NAMI, we must also seek out understanding and compassion for the mentally ill. Knowledge is the key.
People with mental illnesses are suffering from symptoms or experiences beyond their control. Many people get angry at a depressed person who won't get out of bed, but wouldn't feel the same towards a person with a broken leg. These examples may seem like totally different scenarios, when in actuality they are both physical issues. The second scenario is just less apparent.
With depression, for example, the electrical activity (alpha rhythms) in the frontal lobe of the brain is either very low or non-existent, while other areas of the brain are over active. You can find pictures of a depressed brain vs a healthy brain in many books, or through an internet search. The contrast of the colors representing the activity of the neurons is astonishing! You can actually see what a depressed brain looks like! Check out positron emission tomography scans from Mark George, Terence Ketter, and Robert Post, Biological Psychiatry Brand, NIMH, Bethesda, Maryland and see for yourself! New research has been favoring the "yes" answer to the much debated question, "Is there really such thing as a chemical imbalance that causes mood disorders?" I could go on and on about neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and norepinephrine, and how when they are not being properly received by the synapse it causes depression. I could go on about how medication works in the scientific sense, but I'd rather talk about hope. I urge you to look up this information on your own, because you cannot have hope without understanding.
So, what is a mental illness? To a person with the illness fear, guilt and confusion are usually the underlying unconscious answers. These bad feelings dominate their lives. They are dreading and fearing their next episode; they are guilty about how they live their lives and affect the lives of their loved ones, and they are confused about why this is even happening. Why me? Why can I hear voices others can't? Why am I ecstatic one moment, then crying hysterically the next?
I used to get angry at my mom. I used to be disgusted that she couldn't get out of bed and help my dad make the money our family desperately needed, but the more I read and learned, the more I understood that she had a "broken leg" and needed support to heal. She needed understanding with all of her internal chaos, and now I am happy to say that through talk therapy, medication, and a dramatic procedure we had to resort to called ECT (Electro-Convulsive Therapy), she is almost back to herself. She is on her way to recovery. I have my mom back and she is getting better everyday.
Remember, if you or a loved one has a mental illness, you do not have to accept the stigma that these movies, books, and ignorant perceptions have thrust upon your situation. Join groups that fight against stigma, create your own organization or club, raise awareness, research others who have mental illnesses and are leading productive lives. Become inspired by them and learn from them. I can bet you most of these people have accepted their diagnoses and decided to receive help in the form of treatment, even if it means taking medication. I was very apprehensive about medication, but I discovered that just as diabetes must be treated for life, so does my Bipolar II.
I'll leave you with a quote from Nietzsche, "One must harbor chaos within oneself to give birth to a dancing star," and one from Aristotle, "Why is it that all men who are outstanding in philosophy, poetry, or the arts are meloncholic?"
So get out there, and learn. Start on your path to discovery, healing, and greatness!
Check out this mental health advocacy organization for hope and resources:
Here is a link to a song I wrote about the feelings I've had going through my mother's issues, my brother's, and my own: Thanks!

Alcoholism - Alcoholism and Genetics

Research shows that your genes may make you more or less likely to develop an alcohol addiction. According to research conducted by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), many genes play a role in shaping a person's risk for alcohol addiction, and alcoholism is a 'genetically complex disease' like heart disease and diabetes.
Genes may account for as much as 50 percent of your chances for alcohol addiction but that does not mean genes determine your fate for alcoholism. Environmental factors and lifestyle choices complete the other half of the equation.
One way genes may play a role in developing alcoholism is the variation of the enzymes ADH and ALDH in the liver that help metabolize alcohol. These enzymes vary from person to person. Some people can easily metabolize alcohol while others metabolize it more slowly creating a buildup of a toxic byproduct in the body.
Early studies with mice have shown that genes may play a role in alcohol sensitivity, alcohol tolerance, and withdrawal symptoms. Later gene studies in humans show a connection between alcoholism and genes affecting serotonin and GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) activity in the brain. One study followed the drinking habits of college students. Students with a particular serotonin transporter gene participated in more frequent drinking and heavier drinking episodes than students with a different gene variant.
Studies on the effects of various drugs and their ability to help treat alcoholism also help to take a look at the gene factor in alcoholism. Naltrexone is an example of one such drug that has helped many people stop drinking. It works by blocking the opioid receptors in the brain responsible for the euphoric feelings associated with drinking. People with different variations in the gene receptor respond differently to the drug. Some people it helps; some people it does not.
State of the art advances in medical and technological sciences continue to help researchers and healthcare professionals study the complex gene factor associated with alcoholism. One thing is for certain--neurotransmitter genes and alcohol addiction are inherently related. Continued study can help identify specific genes that increase the risk, and help to provide a platform for awareness and prevention.
If you or someone you know is suffering from alcoholism, seek treatment at an advanced drug and alcohol treatment center specializing in neuroscience technology. An advanced treatment center with imaging technology can help address chemical imbalances caused by alcohol dependency and offer an individualized program for a complete and sustainable recovery.
Learn more information about drug and alcohol rehab centers and treatment for alcoholism at:

Meditation, Heart Disease and Depression

Expert Author Ellen Lake
Imagine, if you would, a treatment that could reduce the incidence of heart attack and stroke by nearly 50%. Imagine also that this treatment had no documented side-effects and was, after some initial training and education, able to be implemented at no cost. Would you be interested? If you suffered, or had a family history of either of these conditions, the odds are you would be. What is this treatment? The answer is simple. The answer is meditation.
Traditionally associated with spiritual practice, meditation is found within Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and Sufism and has has been around for thousands of years. It is even postulated that the first meditators were cavemen staring into the fire.
Meditation has long been described as a means of self-realisation and achieving states of higher consciousness but what is exciting now is that science is starting to prove what Yogis have always known to be true. Meditation is not only good for the mind and spirit, it is good for the body too.
A study released in 2009 by researchers from the Medical College of Wisconsin in association with the Institute for Natural Medicine and Prevention in Iowa has found that very result. A group of 20 participants, all who had been diagnosed with heart disease, were divided into 2 groups and followed over 9 years. One group practiced regular meditation and the other group were given classes educating on health and exercise. The group who meditated showed a significant reduction [47%] in incidence of heart attack, stroke and death.
Another study at the University of Oregon has shown a relationship between meditation and decreasing levels of anxiety, depression, anger and fatigue. What is particularly exciting about this study is that scans of the 45 students involved clearly demonstrated structural changes in the brains, after just 11 hours of learning and practicing a meditation technique.The connectivity between neurones, the nerve cells of the brain, in the parts of the brain that are concerned with emotions and dealing with conflict, was enhanced.
It is a sad fact that depression is a disabling condition prevalent in our society. The World Health Organisation describes depression as the world's "leading cause of disability" and predicts that depression will reach second place by 2020 in terms of contribution to the "global burden of disease'. In a National Australian survey 6% of people were found to have had a depressive disorder in the last 12 months and 10% to have had an anxiety disorder.
According to Professor Tony Jorm, Director for the Center For Mental health Research, Australian National University, "Depression costs $2.5 billion per year in absenteeism and $900 million per year in impairment at work. Treating all the depressed employees in a business is estimated to save, on average, $ 1500 - $3000 per employee."
These figures speak for themselves. Stress, depression and heart disease are not just an individual issue, they are also an economic issue. In the words of Professor Harvey Whiteford, "If you treat depression, it has an economic return for the employer, for the individual and for Australia." [The Bulletin, November 12, 2002.]
It's time we thought more expansively and preventatively. Meditation has been clinically substantiated in the management of heart disease and depression. Different practices and styles are available and once learned, it is free and completely portable.
By why wait? Take steps now to learn this simple but incredibly effective technique. You may just find it changes your life!
For meditation coaching and training