Saturday, February 16, 2013

Mental Health


Mental health is a crucial dimension of overall health and an essential resource for living. It influences how we feel, perceive, think, communicate and understand. Without good mental health, people can be unable to fulfil their full potential or play a active part in everyday life. Mental health issues can address many areas, from enhancing our emotional well-being, treating and preventing severe mental illness to the prevention of suicide.
Provincial and territorial governments have primary jurisdiction for the planning and delivery of mental health services in Canada. The federal government, primarily through Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada, collaborates with the provinces and territories in a variety of ways to develop responsive, coordinated and efficient mental health service systems.
Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada support mental health research, develop programs and policies designed to promote and support the needs of people with mental health problems and disorders.

What Information is Available?

In this section, you will find information about the promotion of mental health, evaluation of mental health programs and services in Canada and the mental health issues, problems and disorders encountered by Canadians.
The Public Health Agency of Canada's Next link will take you to another Web site Mental Health Web site provides a range of online materials related to:

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Current Thinking Regarding Bipolar Disorder Treatment


Expert Author Chris Borg
If you are someone who is suffering from bipolar disorder, then you probably already know how important it is that you obtain regular bipolar disorder treatment in order to keep the condition under control. There are many people who suffer from this affliction and the truth is that some of these individuals have no one to talk to when they feel really sad.
One of the treatment requirements is to get professional help as soon as possible. Just talking a health care practitioner will start the healing process. In between office visits, you should always have a good friend or someone you can talk to. Someone who can listen to you, understand you and offer you guidance. A parent can often fill this role, especially if they have also been touched by bipolar disorder.
Some of the time, the bipolar disorder will appear as a result of a very great fear. People tend to harbor deep feelings about worldly events, so if something is troubling you, it is possible that you begin to fear all things related to this event which in turn manifests itself as depression. The opposite is also true in that you may go on a heightened binge such as excessive buying or other irrational activity in order to escape from an inevitable event.
Bipolar disorder has been shown to be transmitted genetically. So if your parent had it, there is a good chance that you will develop it in your lifetime. This is probably due to the fact that the root cause of this affliction seems to be due to neurotransmitter imbalance. As this is part of everyone's makeup, it points to the genetic link just mentioned.
There are multiple factors that will make your condition better. Getting involved in some good social activity, or more than one activity will help immensely. Just having people to talk to, will keep your mind occupied and away from thoughts that might hurt you. Talk with your parents and other relatives as often as possible. The social side of life is a very important bipolar disorder treatment for those suffering with this disorder.
Find a good doctor to work with. They might offer a prescription to help the mood swings, once the diagnosis has been set. The medications will stabilize the three most common neurotransmitters that have been implicated with bipolar disorder. They are dopamine, seratonin and nor-epinephrine. In time, your bipolar disorder treatment will allow you to regain a normal life. The key to the whole regimen is acknowledging the disorder and getting help. Do it today for a better tomorrow!
Chris is a practicing pharmacist who writes on health care topics. You can see Chris's latest website on Manic Depressive Free and learn all about the symptoms, treatment and related information such as Manic Depressive Treatment and much more.

Discover 6 Amazing Ways to Recognize Depression


Expert Author Dr Jitesh Arora
Depression is a mental illness that is spoken about in hushed tones all over the world. This is hardly the right approach towards diagnosing and treating the illness. If you are worried that you yourself or someone you love is depressed, learning about ways to recognize depression is a very good idea. This article will help you discover 6 amazing ways to recognize depression.
1. Sudden change in weight
A lot of depressed people have reportedly lost interest in eating and food, making them susceptible to weight loss all of a sudden. Though a sudden loss of weight may be a way to diagnose depression, a sudden gain too may point in the same direction. When a person is depressed, she may use food to fill an emotional void, making her gain a lot of weight in a short span of time.
2. Do Not Ignore Physical Manifestations of Depression
Though not a lot of people are aware of this, but the truth is that depression has physical manifestations. Depressed people are prone to complain a lot about aches, pains and body troubles. This happens because a depressed mental state may result in eating disorders and avoidance of physical activity, which again may lead to a weak immune system and a resulting array of physical ailments.
3. Irritability and Anger
If someone you know is displaying a short fuse time and again, it may be more than just about having a bad day. He may be suffering from depression. Irritability and anger are symptoms of a depressive nature. Depression leads to frustration which may be expressed as irritability. Little things can act as triggers to the anger that has the power to ruin anyone's day.
4. Loss of libido
A lack of interest in anything to do with sex is another way to recognize depression. Of course, loss of libido may be attributed to a variety of factors, but depression may also be the reason. For someone in a loving relationship to withdraw from sexual contact completely may be a symptom of an illness of the mind.
5. Problems with Maintaining a Professional Attitude at the Workplace
A person who is suffering from depression may find it difficult to motivate himself to go to work every day. He may have trouble getting out of bed in the mornings and as a result is late to work almost every day. This is a symptom worth drawing a conclusion from.
6. Trouble Concentrating
Persons who are depressed may have trouble concentrating on the smallest of tasks. A mother may stop midway while packing her son's lunch for school or a salesperson may find it difficult to concentrate on arranging a bookshelf at a bookstore.
However, the most important thing to remember about depression is that it is treatable. so if you are facing some of the signs and symptoms mentioned above then it is a smart idea to seek help.
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