Thursday, May 23, 2013

Irrational Mental Health Stigmas - Diagnosis and Cure


Ever since Hippocrates performed his first exploration of the human skull, back in 490 BCE, man has been increasingly fascinated with anything to do with the brain and its functions. Although we have learned a lot since Hippocrates' time, some irrational notions still exist. The old 'dualism' argument, for instance: is the brain merely a material substance, as scientists insist, or does it have an entirely separate dimension involving the soul, a spirit and even yet unknown dimensions, as argued by religious and spiritual people?
Whatever the answer, there is no doubt that this uncertainty fuels the debate about mental health stigma in society. It was ever so. As with death, things that people don't yet understand often carry a tag labelled 'fear'. As with a cascading set of dominoes, push the first 'fear' block, and inevitably other irrational behaviours will follow in successive sequence.
Overcoming the stigma
By definition, stigma is a mark of shame or disgrace. Stigma begins when someone is labelled. In the case of a mental health condition, very hurtful words can be hurled at a sufferer, like psycho or schizo. As in football grounds, the person uttering such foul words is creating a 'tribal' division between his perceived 'superior' group and the sufferer's perceived 'inferior, devalued' group. However, labels aren't always negative and can sometimes be useful. A health diagnosis, for example, is essentially a label which in turn helps us to investigate the cause and ultimately find a cure. Interestingly, old diagnostic labels which used to be stigmatized, such as breast and bowel cancers, are gaining acceptance and empathy. 
Is mental health the final taboo, the last stigma to be overcome? 
Much still needs to be done in the field of education. For far too long the term 'mental illness' has suggested that it's not the same as a 'more definite' physical ailment. There are many who still instruct sufferers to 'pull themselves together'. It's as if the very term 'mental' infers someone who is weak or lazy. In fact, mental illnesses have very complex causes, often an eclectic mix of life experiences and one's genetic or biological makeup - most of which are entirely beyond a sufferer's control. Modern medicine can help by reporting on neuroimaging studies, which show actual physical changes in the brain associated with mental disorders. The more people who read about such studies, the more educated the public become. 
Some common misconceptions
It is often thought that mental health disability is allied to violent or dangerous behaviour. The media often compounds this view when they portray a criminal as 'mentally disturbed'. Yet, statistics prove that most sufferers are neither criminal nor violent.
Much 'comedy' in popular culture continues to be portrayed against members of society who can least fight back. There needs to be a complete overhaul of media standards so that lambasting or stigmatising mental illness becomes as illegal as racism now is. Attitudes, though, can change. These days depression, for example, is more likely to generate compassion. It is thought this is because of the ease of obtaining antidepressant medicines, bringing the illness more into the open - and therefore more acceptable. 
Some harmful effects of stigma
Pretending nothing is wrong, refusal to seek treatment, rejection by family and friends, work problems or discrimination, difficulty in finding the list goes on.
How we can all help
Insurance companies should include mental health illnesses in their mainstream health policies. Actively learn more about the whole field of mental health: its individual disorders, treatment and available therapies. Check websites such as Uticopa for the latest information and local therapists. Watch television programmes and read news features about the many celebrities and public figures who suffer from a mental condition, then discuss them with your friends, family and colleagues. If a member of your family is a sufferer, think about forming a local support group to share experiences.
How to help yourself
  • Don't let the fear of stigma prevent you from seeking treatment.
  • Surround yourself with supportive people.
  • Tell people how they can help you.
  • Don't equate yourself with your illness: Don't say, for example, 'I'm schizophrenic', say 'I have a schizophrenic disorder'.
  • Become more confident and attend groups where you can share your own experiences.

Therapy cure
Let therapy help you overcome self-doubt and shame. Tell the world that you have a medical condition, it's not your fault, and that you are receiving treatment. You yourself can help to educate people about the hurt of stigmatizing mental illnesses. And have hope: the tide is slowly, but inexorably, turning. is the UK Therapy Network, where you can access over 10,000 qualified therapists across the UK. Our advanced Find a Therapist tool can help you locate a specialist that suits your needs. You can contact any therapist via our secure messaging system. Whether you are looking for a therapist, want to learn more about a Mental Health condition, need to share with others who might be experiencing similar problems or just would like to learn about therapies available - you can find support on Uticopa. You don't need to deal with your problems alone - visit Uticopa.

Resolving Drug Addiction


New Year's resolutions are about creating change and improving your life. If you are struggling with drug addiction, you are not alone. Millions of people abuse drug and alcohol, year after year, but you don't have to continue to be one of the numbers. You can take a stand to resolve your drug addiction once and for all. It is the most important resolution you can make.
Your drug addiction affects not only you but your loved ones, family, and friends around you. Perhaps your addiction has caused you to drive away people who care about you, caused you to lose a job, or caused you to lose faith in yourself. You can take solace in knowing that drug addiction is not an incurable disease. It is a situation of circumstance and there is a way out. You can take control. With the right treatment program you can resolve your addiction forever. A drug and alcohol rehab center with a holistic treatment program using modern advances in neuroscience can address the physical, psychological, neurological, and emotional aspects of your addiction and provide you with a plan for sustainable success.
Every person has his or her own reasons and paths for how they become addicted to drugs. Some people party and play too hard, some people are attempting to self medicate to cover emotional or psychological traumas in their life, and in a more recent trend many people are becoming addicted to strong narcotic drugs after being prescribed them by their doctors after suffering an injury or accident. Whatever the cause, whatever spurs a person's addiction is unique to that person. That is why it is important to get an accurate diagnosis by a medical professional as you begin your journey to rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is not one size fits all. It must be unique to you. Your past, your genes, your medical history, and your life experiences are all a part of what makes you "you" and why your treatment program needs to focus on who you are.
If drug detox is necessary, this will come first in your program. Don't attempt to manage this on your own. Once you decide to resolve your drug addiction, seek a neuroscience center immediately and let them handle your detoxification under medical supervision. If detox is not necessary you will proceed to undergo neuro and physiological testing to help determine the underlying cause of your addiction. This testing may include but is not limited to brain scans and brain mapping, neuro and biofeedback, and biophysical rehabilitation. In the process you will heal the emotional, physical, and spiritual you-mind, body, and spirit.
Resolve to build a new you today. Resolve to leave your addiction behind and enjoy life the way you were intended, without pain and addiction.
Learn more information about drug and alcohol rehab centers and cocaine addiction treatment at:

How to Tell If You Suffer From Bipolar Disorder


There are certain signs that may be indicators that a man or a woman may have bipolar disorder. There are many different forms and levels of the illness in various degrees of severity.
One sure sign is when a person has mood swings. This may mean going from being down or depressed then changing from this state to another mood state type called mania. Some times when strong enough one can experience psychosis or a complete break from reality.
Depression can also vary in degrees. It can be feeling down or "blue" to feeling hopeless and helpless and even suicidal.
Mania can be marked by racing thoughts, higher energy, lack of sleep or appetite, paranoia, eccentric behavior such as spending large amounts money and the person can be having a stronger sex drive.
Psychosis may accompany the mood swings. This usually leads a person to seek immediate attention and possibly a stay in a psychiatric hospital. The symptoms can be paranoia, hearing or seeing things that aren't really there, strong delusions and faulty beliefs and some times becoming catatonic or unresponsive.
Something a person can also look for to know if they have bipolar, is sometimes having both depression and mania. However, one mood at times, can be more dominant than the other. They can also come and go at different lengths of time. This is called cycling and when the changes occur in quick intervals it is called "rapid cycling".
Still, there are times when the mood changes can last a long period of time. One may go a long time with being depressed and only experience mania on occasion when different stressors cause it to take over their mood.
Mania and psychosis on the other hand can not usually be sustained for a long period of time. The symptoms can be mild, like racing thoughts or at times this state of mind can even dangerous to ones self or to others. When manic the person may feel invincible or feel that they have special powers or that they are on some kind of important mission.
If you feel like you have these symptoms you may indeed have bipolar and may or may not seek treatment depending on if it is affecting the function of everyday life.
There are many different medications and there are mental health professionals that can come along side an individual and offer services over time to help a person cope with bipolar disorder.
Hello, my name is Bradly H Harmelink. Please visit my blog at for more articles dealing with bipolar disorder. I have almost twenty years of experience with this illness and desire to reach others, and be an encouragement. I also have a face book page that fosters a sense of community with others who struggle with the illness. The page is also Bipolarandbeyond. Thank you.

Alternative Medications for Schizophrenia


Expert Author Jared Hobbs
Schizophrenia is mental disorder that is thought to be an inherited condition that involves several different brain disorders. Medication is the most common treatment for this condition, but there are several different alternative and complementary treatments available for those seeking holistic treatment options. Alternative treatments include changes in diet, dietary supplements such as vitamins and herbs, and lifestyle changes.
Seeking Treatment
Schizophrenia is a very serious condition that can lead to harmful behaviors in those suffering from the condition. Because this disorder is serious, seeking treatment from an experienced physician is the first step in the process of recovery. Treatment with prescription medications allows those with schizophrenia to reduce symptoms while alternative treatments promote overall well-being and mental health. It is generally advised that patients with schizophrenia continue medications until a physician is consulted because there are often serious side effects when medications are suddenly stopped.
Types of Alternative Treatment Available
Alternative treatments for schizophrenia are focused on using dietary supplements, including herbs and vitamins, and making healthy lifestyle changes to encourage mental health. Drugs, such as marijuana, are harmful to patients and may make symptoms of schizophrenia more severe. Other steps toward health are also important. Reducing and eliminating alcohol and tobacco consumption are both steps toward healing holistically. Other treatments can safely be used with lifestyle changes. Therapy with a licensed therapist, using vitamins and dietary supplements, and attending group therapies are all options available.
Therapy and Schizophrenia
Therapy is widely accepted as being beneficial for anyone suffering from a mental disorder. Schizophrenia is now considered as a condition caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, but therapy can benefit patients with this disorder by allowing them space to work through problems and issues that arise in their personal life because of the disease. A psychologist can also provide resources that patients can use to encourage a healthy lifestyle. For instance, if rehabilitation services, such as group home living, is needed a therapist can provide recommendations.
Rehabilitation services are an important part of recovery after beginning a consistent medication schedule. Rehabilitation can include vocational and living training to assist patients in gaining the skills needed to live independently. Stress management skills are also important for those learning to live independently. Therapy and rehabilitation services are among the most important alternative therapies available for schizophrenic patients today.
Vitamins and Herbs
Modern therapies for schizophrenia can include the use of vitamin supplements or herbs to reduce the symptoms of the disorder and to improve overall health. It is important that patients check with a licensed physician before beginning the use of dietary supplements to ensure the herbal ingredients in supplements won't interact with any prescription medications currently being used. Some herbs have side effects and interaction precautions that make them unsuitable for use among schizophrenic patients. Vitamins are typically safe if taken according to the instructions on the label, but checking with a primary physician first is recommended.
One of the most common vitamins used in the treatment of schizophrenia is niacin along with Omega 3 fatty acids. This treatment is relatively safe. Some herbal treatments, however, can be dangerous when combined with traditional prescription medications. For example, St. John's Wort is considered an alternative treatment for schizophrenia but the herb, when combined with medications, can result in lowered blood pressure.
Caution is important when using herbal treatments along with prescription medications. The most successful alternative treatments for schizophrenia are those that can safely and effectively be used in combination with traditional prescription medications. Advances in medical science have made prescription medications more effective and convenient for use than ever before. Medication, therapy, a healthy lifestyle, and rehabilitation services are the ideal combination of treatments available today.
Jared is the primary author at where he shares his experiences and knowledge on the topic of schizophrenia. If you or a loved one is concerned about your own possible symptoms, please visit and take our schizophrenia test to gain some insight.