Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mental Health And Bipolar Awareness

Expert Author Beverly Wallin
Bipolar Disorder is one of many various mental health disorders.
It has not been determined exactly what causes bipolar disorder although most experts think that it has much to do with genetics. There is also documentation that many people who have this infliction have suffered childhood abuse or some type of trauma and there is also documentation that supports the theory of patient seizures which set off the episodes of manic and depressive moods.
The symptoms are varied and different for each individual although they can generally be described as manic, hypo-manic, depressive and mixed. Many times you can find individuals who exhibit more than one type or who fluctuate back and forth between the types.
There are quite a few different types of treatments that range all the way from drug therapy such as lithium or anti-convulsant mood stabilizers to anti-depressants. It has also been suggested that many people find acupuncture to work well as an adjunctive therapy. Psychotherapy and counseling can really help and many people hold testament to that. It is in these types of stable confidential relationships that patients feel the most secure and are able to open up. This often takes time to develop into that trust but both client and practitioner must be patient and consistent. For loved ones this can be a particularly trying time as it is hard to watch your friend or relative going through this with so much accompanying doubt.
For the person who is affected, it is important to be aware of their own individual triggers for bipolar disorder. There are however some common ones to avoid. These triggers include but are not limited to stress, substance abuse, lack of sleep,and a decrease in exercise.
Stress can bring on a episode rapidly. Substance abuse is another trigger although often this is a result of people trying to self medicate. Some people find certain medications should be avoided. You will be able to tell your doctor and he/she can adjust or change the medication accordingly.It is also very important to make certain that you are getting enough sleep and to keep a regular sleep schedule. You must be very attentive to discover what your particular triggers are and to take steps to educate yourself about the illness. It is highly recommended to keep track of your moods so that you can get a better understanding of how this affects you as an individual.
One of the biggest risks and tragedies that we face with mental health issues is the risk of suicide. Bipolar disorder is one of the top statistics with all the mental health disorders out there.
A good suggestion for someone who suffers from bipolar disorder is to try journaling. I know that this can seem like an formidable task but if you try writing a little each day then you will be able to detect your slide earlier and help stop that regression sooner the next time.
You will be able to consult with your doctor in regards to what may help and you will be able to give some valuable advice to loved ones who desperately want to help but don't know how. The biggest problem when someone is manic is getting them to take their medications because they are feeling so good they don't want to change that but it is an unnatural state of euphoria. The absolute biggest thing is to keep the individual taking their medications.
If the medications that you are on are not working you must go back to the doctor to change them to something that will work better for you. While this disorder affects millions of people, it is common to feel alone while in a low episode. There are many resources and support groups where you can share your experiences. Many people who have bipolar disorder are able to live full and rewarding lives.
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