Thursday, April 26, 2012

Panic Attacks and Anxiety - 5 Tips To Calm Yourself Quickly

How can we stop a panic attack when one starts to arise? Sometimes I feel like I'm losing it. Like I'm about to pop! Anyone can be a victim of these crippling conditions. So what can we do? Here are 5 effective ways to get relief FAST. Try them out and let me know what you think.
Tip #1: Breathe Deeply
Whenever I feel an imminent panic attack about to overwhelm me, I take a deep breath from my mouth. I fill my lungs with air. I hold my breath and tense every muscle in my body. I hold my breath for about five to ten seconds. Then slowly exhale and relax those muscles. Whew! Feel the stress, fear and anxiety leave your body. Repeat as much as needed. Usually I get relief after just a couple of cycles.
Tip #2: Count backwards
Although this appears to be very simple, the idea behind it is to keep your mind engaged. Distract it from focusing on your panic. If counting down from 100 seems easy, try it by 9's, then by 8's, 7's 6's etc. Or try counting from an odd number like 233, etc. I found this to be really effective as it distract my attention from the attack! Try it.
Tip #3: Grab a drink of Water
Another simple tip that is very effective is to always drink a glass or bottle of water. Water soothes and lowers the body temperature that rises during a panic attack. It has both psychological and physiological benefits. Ever wondered why Policemen ask victims if they want a glass of water? It's because water is a great diversion and calming agent. Very effective!
Tip #4: Acupressure
This is a proven method that has long been practiced in China for thousands of year. What I do is I start to press a point on my wrist right about where the crease is - in circular fashion. Press hard enough to feel the pressure but not to the point you're hurting yourself. Repeat for a couple of minutes. I also try to breathe slowly and deeply as I'm performing this technique.
TIP #5: Pray (not only for god)
Prayer always calms my nerves down. Whenever I feel like I'm going to give in and pop, I close my eyes and pray real hard. I ask God to protect and help me. Not a God fan? Think about someone STRONG you admire. Imagine him or her granting you strength. I recite the rosary or any mantra that comes to mind. And you what? After a few minutes, I'm okay!
Now, I've shown you some tips on how to calm down quickly. It's time for you to try it. Believe me, I've been there. Felt helpless for a long time. Anxiety got me down and out. And now I'm free. I feel like a totally different person! The move is all up to you now. Get up and get out of that prison cell. ARM yourself with these simple tips. Don't think. ACT.
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