Sunday, April 1, 2012

Peace and Serenity

The heavy is the root of the light. The still is the master of unrest. Realizing this, the successful person is poised and centered in the midst of all activities; although surrounded by opulence, she is not swayed. ~ from verse 26 the Tao ~
"In this 26th verse, you're being advised to maintain a sense of serenity regardless of what you may see taking place around you. Moreover, you're being told that the true master knows that the ability to stay calm is always located within. From this perspective, there's no need to assign responsibility to others for how you feel.
Even though you may live in a world where blame and fault-finding are endemic, you will own your own feelings and actions. You will know that circumstances don't determine your state of mind, for that power rests with you. When you maintain a peaceful inner posture, even in the midst of chaos, you change your life." ~ Wayne Dyer ~
How easily we're buffeted to and fro by the ebb and flow of our lives. In a world where there is so much change occurring at an overwhelming speed life becomes a blur. We are all going through so much transition in our own person lives and humanity as a whole.
It is a time  of emotional, environmental, political and economical upheaval. It is easy to lose your calm. It is so easy to become distracted and even caught up in the drama of it all. How do you keep your sanity? How do you find peace and serenity in these crazy times?
I like to read, write, meditate and do Yoga:-) I like to spend time with my little girl and my partner. I like going for nature walks and seeing the ocean. Sometimes even simple things as watching the sunset and sipping on a cup of tea brings me so much joy. I've realized all I have for sure is this moment I am going to enjoy it! Savour it! Live it.
What about you? What brings you joy? What fulfills you? What do you love most? Dwell on those things...
It is easy to remain calm when things are going well in life. However nothing remains the same for too long. Life will bring challenges to us continuously in so many ways to help us grow spiritually. One of the biggest lessons we can learn is to know that we can maintain our peace within regardless of what's happening outside of us.
When things go wrong and we feel so anxious and afraid we need to stop and focus. Look within and realize no matter how bad things may appear there is always a way through and out. There is a solution for every problem. Our mind will always make a big deal out of everything.
Ultimately what matters is that you're still here to face the challenge. You're still alive and going through  this experience of being human. It is one hell of a ride. Feel the joy, feel the pain, feel the excitement and everything else in between that comes from being here.
I've stopped worrying about tomorrow. I've stopped worrying about even what is happening later today. I am living in the moment and it is so freeing. To let go of the past and the future is true freedom. It is liberating. It is also where you will find peace and serenity. The present moment is precious.
Whatever challenges you maybe facing right now trust that you will find the answers and the solutions. Of course you do all that you can to help yourself and the situation. Once you do what you can, then learn to let go. The universe/God/the Creator will take care of the rest.
Thank you for taking the time to visit with me here at this moment. Please leave me your comments below. I'd love to hear what brings peace and serenity to your life. What helps you stay calm in chaos? What renews and strengthens you?
Peace, Love & Gratitude,
Neseret Bemient is a Personal Health and Wellness coach, speaker, author. She helps women and mothers on their journey to healing, health and wholeness. If you would like to learn more about Neseret and her work follow this link

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