Friday, May 18, 2012

The Journey of Healing

Expert Author Neseret Bemient
Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn't you - all of the expectations, all of the beliefs - and becoming who you are. ~ Rachel Naomi Remen
A lot of people say they want to get out of pain, and I'm sure that's true, but they aren't willing to make healing a high priority. They aren't willing to look inside to see the source of their pain in order to deal with it. ~ Lindsay Wagner
There is something beautiful about all scars of whatever nature. A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed and healed, done with. ~ Harry Crews
Recently someone asked me an interesting question, "What hurts the most emotional pain or physical pain?". My answer was emotional pain because it is not always obvious to people. When you have a physical pain or an injury of some sort it is typically visible to the eye. People can look at sympathize with you whereas emotional pain is somewhat subtle.
The first step in the journey of healing is to be willing to look at whatever it is causing you the pain. Even though it is not always clear to others you know if you are feeling pain in your life. You have to be willing to acknowledge the pain and have a desire to resolve it.
Many times we are afraid of looking at the sources of our problems because it also will mean facing our fears. It means facing reality as it is and at times the reality maybe too painful to face. However process of healing can only begin when we're willing to look at what is no matter how painful it is. It takes a lot of courage to do this.
What you need to know is that you're not alone in your feelings of fear. Whatever it is that you're facing in your life that is causing you pain and is just calling your attention that there is a part of you that needs to heal.
I have learned in my life that my greatest pain and fears stemmed from not being myself. It came from my past hurts and painful experiences I went though in my childhood. However there came a time when it was more painful to continue living my life the way it was than to begin the work of healing.
I was afraid to face my fears and the truths and realities of everything that has happened. I was too angry and I wanted to hold on to the resentments I had of the people that hurt me. I wanted to hold on to the anger and the hurt.
What I realized though was that holding on to those things that weren't my true nature was hurting me more than anyone else. I had to feel the pain and grieve my losses and let them go. I had to let go. Letting go is not the easiest thing to do but is is a necessary step in order for healing to take place.
When you are willing to let go then you also become willing to take responsibility. You take control of your own happiness. No one will have power over you. Not the people that may have caused you pain, not your emotions, or anything else for that matter.
When decide to let go and embrace your fears and vulnerabilities you'll find freedom. Freedom to be yourself, freedom to feel your feelings, freedom to own your pain and freedom to grieve your losses. It is a liberating and cleansing experience. From this point there is no where but to go up.
The first step maybe the hardest step you'll take in this journey of healing. Ask yourself and reflect on, What is it that is causing me pain? What am I afraid of? What are the areas of my life that I am not happy with? Then listen to the answers.
All the answers may not come to you right away, but listen to your heart. No one is more qualified. This is the beginning of your journey to healing and recovery.
Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it. ~ Tori Amos
Peace, Love & Gratitude,
Neseret Bemient is a Personal Health and Wellness coach, speaker, author. She helps women and mothers on their journey to healing, health and wholeness. If you would like to learn more about Neseret and her work follow this link

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