Monday, May 14, 2012

Keeping Your Mental Health In Business

Expert Author Jane P Selwyn-James
Why would I write an article about mental health in business? We think about our bodies - well some of us do! We try to eat healthily, we do the required amount of exercise to keep healthy, drink plenty etc. We assume that this is enough to keep us where we want to be - in peak fitness to run a successful business with all the energy and commitment that entails. BUT IS IT?
What is it? What does it mean? We hear so many terms surrounding the words that there is confusion for a lot of people. Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Bi-Polar, Depression, Schizophrenia, Anxiety etc - there are a lot of names out there!
The World Health Organisation defines mental health as "a state of well-being in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community". It was previously stated that there was no one "official" definition of mental health. Cultural differences, subjective assessments, and competing professional theories all affect how "mental health" is defined.
So there you have it - being 'normal' is what counts! So how can you ensure that you keep your mental health in business for as long as you want? How can you stay at peak condition mentally to ensure that you can run that business optimally?
Diet And Mental Health
You feel that you may be eating healthily but there are hidden factors out there that can seriously affect what is happening in your brain. Your control centre. The worst that springs to mind is the side-effect of Aspartame or Acesulfame K. We avoid sugar as we know that it is not good for us (more on that in another post) but the sugar-free products that we replace it with have these chemicals in them instead. It actually contains 3 chemical compounds - all of which are seriously toxic to the human body - aspartic acid, phenylalanine and methanol (wood alcohol).
So what are the effects of Aspartame? Horribly, there are an awful lot of them as the process of exchange within the body leads to the release of even more chemicals such as formaldehyde:
headaches/migraines, dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, depression, fatigue, increased heart rate, insomnia, vision problems, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, tinnitus, vertigo and memory loss - the last being one of the most common starting symptoms of Aspartame toxicity.
It can trigger or worsen the following:
brain tumours, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, alzheimer's, parkinson's, mental retardation.
It causes chronic neurological disorders by acting as a neuro transmitter in the brain and too much of it 'excites' (kills) certain neurons by allowing too much calcium to enter the cells. The neural cells are stimulated to death.
A simplified version of what happens or can happen - the research is out there - if you value your health then avoid this chemical!
Sounds strange doesn't it? How can water affect our brain and thereby our mental health? We know that drinking water is important but most people do not take nearly enough into their diets. They load themselves with dehydrating liquids such as tea, coffee and alcohol and assume that all liquids are equal! They Are Not!! If you look at our planet you see that it is 80% water - as our mother we follow suit and our bodies are also 80% water. If this level is allowed to drop then we experience symptoms which are wide-ranging from physical joint and muscle pains to headaches and vision problems. The brain has to be kept hydrated to work properly!
We are aware that mental health covers the areas of depression, stress and anxiety also under its umbrella. A depressive state can lead to chronic fatigue syndrome. What has water to do with this? When the body becomes dehydrated, the physiological process that come into play are the same ones that occur when coping with stress. Dehydration equals stress, and once stress establishes, there is an associate action of materials from the body's stores - in effect this process will 'mop up' some of the water reserves of the body. Therefore dehydration causes stress and stress will cause further dehydration.
Now several hormonal overrides become operative in the stress situation - the body assume that it is in crisis and adopts its normal reaction to that - fight or flight - even if it is work-stress - this is then maintained and begins to exhaust the body and the adrenal glands associated with this until a state of chronic fatigue develops.
Keep your body hydrated with water! Keep your brain hydrated with water!
Melancholy, despair and other aspects of mental depression are now more common than ever. What you could once cope with in your daily life is now a struggle. Nothing to do with age, I hasten to add, but a build-up of toxicity that is affecting your energy levels and your thought processes. Women are particularly prone to depression when exposed to excessive competition and stress. Mental depression is experienced in the mind but is generally rooted in a stagnant liver. Dietary principles apply here to lift the liver to its former glorious state of energy and the depression lifts from the mind. Short-term remedies for this are the wild-blue green micro-algae and vinegar! Apple cider vinegar acts specifically on lifting the liver taking 1 teaspoon in a little water while experiencing the mild depression we are all subject to from time to time. Following a liver cleansing programme is longer lasting.
The final suggestion here, apart from seriously looking at your diet, chemical intake, and water intake is your oxygen intake. Most people breathe only to a shallow level - we are nothing without oxygen - it is the life of our blood and cells. Deeply breathing allows the oxygen to circulate around all the peripheries including the brain! Allow your stomach to expand as you breathe in and contact as you breathe out - the other way round is wrong! You will find that you can breathe to a much greater depth and if you feel slightly dizzy - great - it means that the oxygen has got to your head and brain area! Practise this every day - make it a part of your health regime as it also stimulates the lymphatic system.
Last comment would be on the workings of your colon! If it doesn't work as often as it should - 2-3 times a day surprisingly enough if you eat 2-3 times a day - then you are going to feel the effects of this throughout your body, mental state, muscles, joints, skin, eyes etc. Vital to keep this organ flowing freely to be in a healthful state and to have optimum mental health. Truly - without the cleanliness of this area you will feel sluggish, depressed; mental processes slow down and you feel exhausted!
Here's to your Success!
Firstly and most importantly, I am passionate about people. I am passionate about their health at all levels - as a Naturopath of 12 years I have understood that what makes us the sickest is our view of the world and ourselves. Today I use methods to teach how to find success in all levels of our lives - physical, mental and financial. If you believe in yourself - you will take care of yourself. If you believe in your power to be successful - you will be successful. If you have the physical energy - you will have the drive. It is all linked and it starts with the most important factor of them all - YOU!

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