Monday, January 21, 2013

Uncovering Root Causes Of Anxiety

Expert Author Jen Springer Crippen
So many people with anxiety, depression, panic attacks, etc. just "learn to live with it". I have been there personally and didn't like the options that were given to me by the doctors. Most doctors are doing the best job they can and there is a time and a place for medication. But personally, I feel very strongly that it is a tool to use until the ROOT CAUSE is revealed. Most health professionals never dig deep to find the root causes.
Does your scientific mind ever kick in and ask "why" something happens? Anxiety and other associated experiences are not the cause. Anxiety is a result. You don't "have" anxiety, you experience it. It also doesn't happen over night. Yes - anxious feelings can start over night. However, the groundwork that lead us to that point took months, if not years, or even decades!
Unless we have a physical deformity that caused malfunction in the body, the cause of anxiety boils down to stress of the mind, body, and/or spirit. Stress doesn't necessarily mean overworked and underpaid. It can mean running, running, running without relaxation for years. Decades of blood sugar swings from improper eating and malnourishment. Maybe it's emotional turmoil of dealing with a loved one who has a made poor lifestyle choices. All these things accumulate and eventually our body burns out.
Our bodies are physically affected by these stressors. A massive cascade of chemicals are released when we feel any sort of stress. During this time our bodies consume enormous amounts of resources to cope. Resources like amino acids, minerals, and vitamins. As we live under chronic stress, those resources get depleted and we physically can't cope - hence ANXIETY or even panic attacks set in. When we start putting the raw material resources back in - the anxiety starts to subside. Then permanent lifestyle changes can be made that contributed to the problem such as over working, over committing, and worrying about everything. This is when recovery without relapse is achieved.
We as humans are not meant to burn the candle at both ends for years at a time without rest and play. Think of a pet and how they live. Let's use a cat for example. Maybe he wants to go outside hunting and do his cat thing. Then he wants come home and sleep. Then back to hunting and playing activities, then sleeping. To have the life of a cat! The point is, observe any animal on this planet. They all have times of intense activity, then great rest. We wonder why so many of us feel like we are going to crack at any moment, we are rest deficient!
Unfortunately learning how to overcome anxiety permanently requires a bit of study. More so, recovery and rebuilding yourself won't happen in a day. Maybe not even a month! Getting rid of anxious feelings can absolutely happen extremely quickly. Rebuilding your body so the anxiety roots are gone forever take time. Start by making simple changes to diet, adding in personal time, and enjoying relaxation time is a great start.
Jennifer Springer - Crippen has personally overcome anxiety, hypoglycemia, and adrenal fatigue that paralyzed her life for over a year and a half. To learn about the surprising root causes of anxiety and how she recovered using a natural approach, visit her blog at
Would you like to know 5 Things to Reduce Anxiety Right Now? Get it now by visiting

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