Wednesday, February 6, 2013

How Can I Fight Facebook Addiction?

You have come to find that when you wake up, the first thing that comes to mind is Facebook. When you walk out of the house, you can't even manage to move a long distance without updating your Facebook status or checking up the recent posts from your friends and contacts. Are you a victim of Facebook addiction? Is your situation beyond correction?
Serious signs of Facebook addiction
If you are a victim of Facebook addiction, there are some sure signs that can show you that you need to do something quickly. The commonest ones include the following:
1. Spending long hours on Facebook: You can even spend a full day on Facebook without caring about other important activities which might suffer in the process.
2. Failure to accept Facebook absence: When there is no Facebook, you just feel a sickening yearning that motivates you to go to any lengths just to have access to Facebook.
3. Updating your status at awkward times: You don't seem to care that much about where you are when you want to update your status. Even when you are in class, church, attending some serious gathering, you still want to have access to this social network.
4. Endless glances at your Facebook wall: This is normal when it strictly monitored. But the problem comes in when it is too often to allow you to focus on important activities.
5. Attempting to comment or like every status: You get involved in almost every conversation you come across. In the end, you are also forced to constantly check up on what others are posting.
Dangers of Facebook addiction
The word addiction usually indicates that there is a problem that needs immediate attention. Therefore, the famous dangers of Facebook addiction include the following:
  • Failure to concentrate: You will find it very difficult to focus because you are always involved in multi-tasking. Even studying or concentrating in class becomes a real challenge and your performance gets affected.
  • Fatal accidents on the road: Some of the deadliest road accidents occur because of people on social networks while driving. This is almost the same as drinking and driving because your attention gets divided.
  • Loss of real friends: Unfortunately, if you are always on a social network, people around you find it difficult to communicate with you. This easily leads to strained relationships and loss of friends.
  • Taking matters casually: Even when a matter is serious, as long as it comes when you are on Facebook, you won't give it the needed attention. This means that even your assignments will suffer because of Facebook.
  • Loss of reliability: If your boss comes to find that you are always on Facebook, that might give him enough reason to avoid giving you a post. Unless your work deals with social networking, your employer can easily lose confidence and trust in you because your efficiency reduces.
Get over the addiction today
There are no mysteries when it comes to fighting Facebook addition. First, you need to adjust your mindset by opening other physical avenues of socializing which are not even related to the internet. This includes activities like, walking, exercising, reading interesting books and many other activities. To do this, you need to give a specific time frame specifically for Facebook. Then the rest of it goes to other more critical activities which can keep you occupied and excited. Improve on your relationships with people you meet physically and organise activities that will keep you focused all the time. There are no pills that should cure this addiction. The whole remedy lies in your hands and right in your mental status or attitude.
Ernest Mwaba has written many articles about academic issues, relationships, general knowledge and consumer related issues. You can read more of his articles at

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