Friday, February 1, 2013

What Are the Causes of Mental Illness?

What Are the Causes of Mental Illness?

The exact cause of most mental illnesses is unknown, but there are many known factors at play. These can be biological, psychological or environmental. The cause varies from person to person and it can be complicated. For most people who suffer from mental illnesses, the cause is some combination of these factors.
Genetic Factors
Most mental illnesses run in families. Twin studies have shown that there is a definite genetic factor. While your family history doesn't necessarily cause you to have the illness as well, it does put you at greater risk for developing it. In the case of schizophrenia, for example, people with close relatives that have the disorder are ten times more likely to develop it themselves. Chronic depression and bipolar disorder are similar.
Chemical Imbalance
Neurotransmitters are chemicals in the brain through which the brain communicates with the nerves. When these chemicals are not working properly, the brain doesn't function regularly and this abnormal functioning leads to mental illness. This is why medications are used to treat symptoms. They restore normal brain functioning.
Early Development
Neglect or abuse in early life can lead to serious mental problems in adulthood. Severe emotional, physical and sexual abuse can all be contributing factors. The loss of a parent or any other traumatic event can lead to lifelong mental problems.
Long-Term Drug Use
There's a strong connection between drug use and mental illness. It's often hard to tell if the person is self-medicating to get rid of the symptoms or the drug triggers the symptoms. Marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, psychedelic drugs such as LSD, alcohol and even seemingly harmless caffeine have all been linked to mental disorders. Long-term abuse of any substance can lead to anxiety, depression and paranoia.
Disease or Injury
Traumatic brain injury or exposure to toxins in the womb can cause mental illnesses. Lead in paint has been found to cause mental problems and certain foods are shown to contribute to ADHD. Infections that affect the brain can cause damage to areas involved in personality and thinking. The effect of disease and injury on the brain is not well understood because researchers have few chances to study real-life cases.
Life Experiences
Any kind of trauma that is either extremely stressful or persistent can lead to mental problems. The death of someone close to you, the experience of war, long-term harassment, working too hard or even being unemployed for too long can cause mental problems.
Society and Culture
Societal factors also contribute. There is a higher level of mental illness among immigrants, the poor, and people who lack social cohesion. Many blame the hectic pace of modern life and the dissolution of traditional values for the rise in psychological disorders. Racial oppression can also be a factor. However, there is little scientific evidence to support these social and cultural factors.
If you're worried that you may suffer from a mental illness, seek professional help immediately. A qualified professional can diagnose you, help you find the causes, and get you started on the right treatment.
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