Monday, May 7, 2012

Worry - The Silent Killer

Expert Author Mayank N Gupta
Worry is a slow poison. It is like cancer, AIDS, heart attack, blood pressure, diabetes, etc, is a killer. Keep this originator of many diseases at bay and you will live longer. Now the trend to "cure the mind before curing the body" is gaining momentum all over the world. Hence the modern maxim: "a healthy body depends on a healthy mind".
Emotions like futility, frustration, despair, anxiety, disillusionment, worry, fear, defeat, etc, are negative emotions. There affect our mental as well as physical health adversely but slowly. Specially worry creates a very high degree of tension. How often we find ourselves worked up over certain trivial issues and lose the rational way of dealing with the problem! Only a cool and unruffled mind functions at its maximum ability and efficiency.
Surprising findings in medical sciences have revealed that arthritis, tooth decay, clenched jaw and screwed-up faces are the natural manifestations of anxiety. A blooming and healthy complexion can be ruined by worries which affect the skin adversely, causing rashes, skin eruptions and pimples.
There are several causes of worries. The fact-faced and complicated life style contributes largely to our anxieties. Shortages, fears, competitions, dissatisfaction, disillusionment, fears, failures adds to the burden on our minds. Some of these factors may be uncontrollable but most of them are within our control.
What one needs is an appropriate outlook towards and about life. There is no doubt that there is dualism of everything, day and night, life and death, good and bad. Then one must be realistic about one's viewpoint about life. If one is born one surely will die. Emotions or sentiments are all right but they need the rod of reason and realities at pragmatic level. But this is not as easy as it is said.
Right from the time a child is tree years old and is pushed into a nursery, a rat race begins which lasts throughout one's life. Expectations of parents and competition with peer groups to achieve better results chase the child. This results into headaches which abound in children. Irritability, tension, fear of failure, ridicule, self-hatred are some of the hitherto experienced emotions that besiege the younger children of today. There is a steady erosion of the carefree, untiring and happy state of childhood. If this trend continues, the day is not far off when more children will suffer from ailments like heart problems, blood pressure, stomach ulcers etc.
Two major causes of worry that can be easily controlled by most of us are the tomorrow and yesterday. So much involvement had gone into worrying about yesterday and tomorrow that the feeling of today has almost vanished. The fear of tomorrow looms large over people. They fret about their savings, securities and their future, forgetting the importance of today. There is no use of tomorrow if we do not live to see it.
Mayank Gupta is a freelance writer with a Bachelor's degree in journalism. His areas of expertise are travel, health and fitness, personal finance etc. He is looking for freelance writing projects.

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