Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Mood Disorders - Depression

Expert Author Alevoor Rajagopal
The study results conclude that mood disorder and depression are two Faces of the same coin. We can call depression as a symptom of mood disorder. Feeling of hopelessness, apathy and low energy are indications of depression. Mood disorder is also characterized by failures and rejections in ones life. It is both a psychotic and a neurotic condition.
Depression is mainly because of the consequences of life such as the death of kin etc. Most of these kinds of depression (bipolar) fade away with the time and as one takes the new situation in his/her stride. It is not for nothing that they say time is the best healer. The chronic mood disorders (unipolar), in some cases genetic, require medical attention as they can be life threatening (suicides). The unipolar mood disorders are major types and clinical attention is necessary. No amount of love from kin, positive thinking or counseling can help. Medical assistance is imperative to cure the depression spread over sessions. Lack of treatment can result in permanent behavioral disorder.
Off late is believed that depression is connected to deficiency of norepinephrine and serotonin. Drug therapy uses various antidepressants. Caution needs to be exercised in administration of drug supplements in bipolar patients. Mood disorders or depressions of unipolar type has benefited from electroconvulsive therapy.
Psychologists have argued in recent years that the depression or the mood disorder is a result of learned helplessness when a person understands his actions have been useless and looses hope. It is also found that such people are emotionally dependent on others for morale boosting.
The most determinants of mood disorder are tackled even without medication. But non-negligence and timely diagnosis (initial diagnosis need not be even at the psychiatrist's site) can result preventing physical and physiological disorders and alcoholism etc.
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