Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Anxiety Disorder - How to Defeat Your Nervousness

Expert Author Steven Reater
Anxiety can surface in your life in many different ways. Worrying about an upcoming event or situation or even thoughts of bad experiences can bring it out. Some can handle these symptoms when they begin to arise but for some it can become much more controlling and self limiting possibly developing into full blown anxiety disorder.
Symptoms of this condition can present themselves in both mental and physical ways. Anxiety disorders occur when our brain prematurely activates our fight or flight mechanism in response to a situation where it is not required.
Fight or flight is our bodies natural defense system when it subconsciously believes to be confronting real danger, physical symptoms include upset stomach (nausea), diarrhea, clammy feeling of the skin, increased heart rate, chest pain, loss of breath, vertigo and many others. These symptoms help reinforce the problem and work to cement the issue within your mind causing you to fear the experience from happening again.
The psychological symptoms caused by an anxiety disorder can be just as numerous like the inability to sleep, feeling on edge or jumpy for extended periods, rage or anger, lack of concentration, fear of losing your mind or losing all control are some examples.
What truly makes anxiety so difficult is the sense of fear worry and general unrest that many experience constantly has little to no relation whatsoever to the reality of the situation being actually experienced. Pressure at work, financial difficulties or trouble in a relationship can all add to the difficulties one experiences. Additionally fear of illness be it real or imagined can also bring anxiety to the surface.
The line between the stress and anxiety that everyone experiences vs. that of a disorder is really measured in the intensity, the duration and whether the feelings are on par with reality. Once you begin situation avoidance by actively living your life avoiding any situation that you subconsciously fear the chances are high that you have developed an anxiety disorder.
One point of comfort that many anxiety sufferers fail to realize is that they are far from alone as there are literally millions of people around the world who suffer greatly at the hands of this condition. Anxiety is a real and widespread condition and anyone who suffers should feel no shame when seeking help and guidance to overcome it.
The symptoms of an anxiety disorder may sound very familiar and if you feel that your experience with the above mentioned symptoms is cause for alarm than it may be the right time to speak with your healthcare provider as only a qualified medical professional can truly determine the cause and cure that may be necessary.
Being a difficult condition to diagnose you should make your doctor aware that you suspect anxiety may be behind the symptoms you're describing. Once your doctor has ruled out any potentially harmful explanations for your symptoms then the treatment of your anxiety disorder is ready to begin.
There are many different methods when it comes to treatment so be sure to discuss all the options with your doctor. Dozens of various medications are available and they all produce side effects that should be properly discussed and explained prior to use.
Medication is just one option but there are many natural remedies and alternative treatments that can have an extremely positive affect when it comes to reducing your symptoms to acceptable or dare I say normal levels.
Perhaps a lifestyle change that includes a healthy diet and daily exercise can be enough to rid you of this condition. Meditation or the use of other herbs and vitamins have also been noted to work well in the treatment of anxiety. Ultimately you will decide what the best treatment is for you but always include your doctor to avoid any possible complications. For example a well known herb for anxiety is St John's Wart but it should not be taken once you've started on an anxiety medication. These types of possible complications are why your doctor is the only one truly fit to advise you.
One thing is for sure, if you suspect you may be suffering from an anxiety disorder than actively pursue a solution and never give up until you've found it. This condition has countless stories of people suffering for years or even decades. Don't let yourself fall victim take control and never look back.
Discover how self help programs for anxiety have helped thousands overcome and completely eliminate anxiety and panic from their lives. Anxiety Self Help

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