Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What Is Drug Addiction Treatment?

For many people drug addiction treatment is the last thing standing between them and a slow, miserable death. This is because the disease of addiction is without question a progressive and fatal one. But like other serious and potentially fatal diseases, addiction can be successfully treated via detoxification, Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome treatment, relapse prevention and denial management. This is accomplished through proven traditional therapies such as individual and group counseling, as well as experiential therapies. Understanding the process of drug addiction treatment can be extremely helpful if you or someone you love is suffering from drug addiction or alcoholism.
Detox is the first step toward recovery. This refers to the natural process that the body undergoes to restore a normal balance by eradicating the substance from the system and regaining more natural central nervous system functions. This unavoidable physiological process can cause some uncomfortable symptoms and side effects, some of which can be dangerous while detoxing from substances like opiates and alcohol. As a result, a person should always detox in a fully equipped medical setting where symptoms can be managed under the expert care of a detox and addictions specialist.
Once a person has fully detoxed from a substance, more substantial treatment can begin. This is most often in the form of residential inpatient treatment or an outpatient treatment program. The former generally consists of an intensive 30 day program where clients live and receive treatment while under 24 hour supervision, while the latter is less intense and is typically utilized for a more transitional approach to drug addiction treatment.
Both residential inpatient treatment centers and outpatient treatment programs should focus on two primary treatment objectives in order to be successful:
1.) Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome Management
This series of symptoms begin immediately after a person has detoxed from a substance, persisting anywhere from 3-24 months. PAWS symptoms may cause drug or alcohol cravings, inability to focus on tasks, inability to organize thoughts, depression, and other problems that can lead a person to relapse in an effort to seek relief. PAWS is the most significant threat to any person's recovery and is therefore a lifelong concern that must be treated appropriately.
2.) Denial Management
Denial is a major part of addiction and alcoholism, and this doesn't change just because a person seeks out help. Just like people deny the severity or existence of their drug problem prior to treatment, they might deny any number of things during and after treatment, including doubts that can lead to relapse, denial of impending relapse warning signs, denial of the effects of stress, and even denial about a person's own ability to stay clean and sober.
PAWS and Denial Management are the foundation of Relapse Prevention and form the backbone of any successful drug addiction treatment plan. Regardless of whether these treatment modalities are utilized in an inpatient or outpatient setting, they should be taught as lifelong parts of an overall recovery plan that will continue long after a person has completed active treatment at a rehab. If you need help for addiction or alcoholism, use the links below now for a free consultation. We'll be glad to confidentially discuss how our inpatient treatment or outpatient treatment programs can help you take back your life and help you feel whole once again. Drug addiction treatment is not easy, but it works. Begin your new life right now.

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