Friday, January 25, 2013

Bipolar Disorder - How the Low Side Afflicts You

Bipolar disorder is, in fact, a name given to a group of mood disorders. It is not a specific mental health diagnosis. The disorder is characterized by mood-swings between high and low moods. The low moods can range from mild depression to a very severe depression which can last for many months. In fact the actual diagnosis is related to the pattern of mood-swings the afflicted person has. As a result the degree of the mood-swings relates to the actual bipolar disorder diagnoses the afflicted person has.
A diagnosis of cyclothyiac's disorder applies when there are definite mood-swings but they are not of a severe nature. Here the person will only enter a mild depression. Most likely they will experience:
• Change in sleeping habits (increase or decrease)
• Change in eating habits (increase or decrease)
• Little or no energy and
• Poor concentration with difficulty in focusing and decision-making. Poor decisions can result.
Cyclothyiac's disorder can bring with it its own set of problems. Specifically, the mood-swings can be such that the afflicted person does not realize that their mood-swings are any greater than a "normal persons." Their friends and loved ones may not be aware that the person is experiencing mood-swings at a level greater than normal. The result is that the disorder can be extremely hard to diagnose. In turn those so afflicted can go through life experiencing a series of mood-swings greater than what they should have to experience.
A diagnosis of bipolar, type 2 can lead to either mild or severe depression. The symptoms for severe depression are as for mild depression. However a number of these additional symptoms will also apply:
• Sadness, often including crying
• Little interest in or pleasure from normal daily activities
• Irritability and anger
• Anxious feelings and worrying
• A feeling that everything is going wrong for then
• Withdrawal from social activity
• Aches and pains with no physical cause
• Greatly reduced self-esteem and
• Suicidal thoughts, plans or attempts.
A diagnosis of bipolar, type 1 normally leads to severe depression. Recovering from severe depression can be extremely hard. There is an added danger if the person with severe depression has a diagnosis from within the bipolar disorder spectrum. Any treatment prescribed can push them past a normal mood. They could be pushed into hypomanic episode or even into full-blown mania.
By its medical definition a person with a diagnosis from the bipolar disorder spectrum will experience some degree of depression at some stage of their bipolar cycle. Their specific bipolar diagnosis will relate back to their normal cycle of highs and lows. The extent of the depression they experience will normally relate back to their specific bipolar diagnosis. Cyclothyiac's disorder normally lead to mild depression. Bipolar, type 2 can lead mild or severe bipolar. Bipolar, type 1 generally leads to severe depression.
Ray Tyler was diagnosed with manic depressive disorder in 1982. He still lives with, and receives treatment for the disorder, today. However he has not had a manic depressive episode since 1997.
You can follow Ray's blog at Bipolar Manic Ray has recently written a series of posts on depression in his blog. You can check out the most recent one HERE
Learn how to manage Manic Depressive (now known as Bipolar) disorder. This will enable you to regain control of your life.

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